Parenting & Custody
Our intention is to help reduce feeling stress and disconnection by encouraging parents to keep their child’s best interest in mind by responsibly co-parenting and communicating in an amicable manner.
The way the courts understand parenting and custody:
- Parenting means physical time a parent spends with the child(ren).
- Custody means decision making powers with respect to the child(ren)
- Primary parent, who has the child more than 60% of the time;
- Shared parent, who has the child more than 40%.
- Visiting parent, who has the child less than 40%
Retaining a lawyer does not mean you will end up in Court
Our focus is to assist you with drafting a parenting plan that can be filed with the Court by way of consent. We take pride in our ability to create an agreement by balancing compassion with thorough and strenuous negotiations to reach an agreement without the Court’s intervention.
Negotiated settlements typically offer the best overall outcomes. They often reduce costs and stress levels and can preserve relationships. This is especially important where young child are involved to help ensure effective communication with your partner for the years to follow.
If it turns out you do need to go to court to reach an agreement our team can assist you by recommending the best approach dependent upon your unique circumstances.